At Emmanuel, we seek to support Christian charities working around the world to spread the good news about Jesus Christ. We currently pray regularly for and give financially to Barnabas Aid, Crosslinks and Speak Life. You can find out more about these organisations below.

Barnabas Aid works to provide hope and aid for the persecuted Church, from Christians, to Christians, through Christians. Their main mission is to financially support projects which help Christians who are suffering discrimination, oppression and persecution as a consequence of their faith. They also aim to encourage and facilitate prayer and raise awareness of the plight of the persecuted church. More information is available on their website.

Crosslinks exists to help people get involved in God’s mission. They believe every Christian has a part to play in God’s plan for the world. In five continents and over 30 countries, Crosslinks has long-term mission partners, short-term volunteers and gospel-based projects. All Crosslinks people and projects are involved in frontline evangelism or training pastor teachers. More information is available on their website.
Emmanuel’s association with Crosslinks goes right back to the beginning of the organisation: Walter Kitley, who was Vicar of Emmanuel from 1931-1938, served as Organising Secretary of the Bible Churchmen’s Missionary Society (BCMS – Crosslinks’ former name) in the North of England from 1924 to 1931. Our links continue to the present, as a member of our church family recently joined a short-term mission trip to The Gambia, we support Christ Central Soweto, a growing gospel-centred church in Johannesburg, South Africa, and we support Jirka and Keira Kralovi, who are involved with student ministry in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
To read the latest news from Christ Central Soweto, please click here.
Here’s the Kralovis last video update:
To read the very latest news from Jirka and Keira, please click here.

Speak Life’s purpose is to proclaim the gospel through powerful preaching and innovative use of the latest technology. When the organisation began in 1952, this meant radio and print media; now, Speak Life produces top-quality videos, podcasts and other online media, reaching people through YouTube and Facebook. They also run The Foundry, a internship programme for creative, mission-minded Christians. More information, as well as free access to all video resources, is available on their website, and you can find more on their YouTube channel.
Below is a video introducing the work of Speak Life.