Helpful Links

Current Issues
To keep abreast of current issues in the Church of England, and more widely, you might like to visit the following sites:
If you are looking for an outline of the gospel or something to help you tell others the good news about Jesus, click here:
Christianity Explored
Speak Life
Christian Books and Study Materials
There are some excellent resources being produced to help us grow as followers of Jesus and equip us for living for him.  Visit our church bookstall here and if you don’t find what you’re looking for you can also try:
You will find helpful talks and articles about Christian doctrine, church history and a range of discipleship issues in the following places:
For advice about raising children in a Christian home, these sites often have helpful articles and discussions:
For advice with helping your children think biblically about sex, relationships and marriage visit:

If you would like to know more about the material we use in Sunday Club, you can visit:

The following websites and articles don’t come from a Christian perspective but you may find them helpful in relation to current issues that young people face
Generally helpful sites:
Specific issues:
For help and advice about violence or abuse within personal relationships:
A support service for carers of people with Dementia
DISC Dementia Support